Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Omg! you have no idea how freaking tired i am right now. Today was just plain exhaustion! I have no idea why but yea i feel very much tired and all i wanna do is stay home and sleep but sadly and unfortunately i have TUITION!!! Add maths to be exact for 2hrs! I seriously think i'm gonna 'kong' out soon and i mean very soon. Dad is being such a pain because he made me sacrifice my nap time. My oh-so precious nap time! He had to send me to tuition early later on and i have no idea what i'm gonna do for like an hour plus! I guess i'll just rot or probably head on to the bookstore to get books. =) I had 3 periods of biology today instead of 2. 3 periods mean about an hour plus almost 2 hrs of biology! My usual 2 periods has always been a hassle for me to stay awake and i am very surprised i survived today! =) By the end of the day i was just totally worn out and i thought 'oh, how nice? i can take a nap later on before tuition.' but no.. daddy had to go ruin it. But i don't blame him, he has to work so yea. I'll just give in. =) So yea. I am currently waiting for him to come to pick me up and send me to tuition. I am really am very tired! owh my dear God please help me survive just 2 more hrs! please! Owh i need coffee but immune to caffeine so i'll just try it out to see if it works! *yawnz* my sleepiness is really kicking in!

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