Wednesday, July 30, 2008

If only...

Have you ever wish you can turn back time? Have you ever wondered what will happen and what you will do if only you had the chance to turn back time?Well, as for me, i really wish i could turn back time and unwind all the troubles and mistakes i've made. Also for the words i've said to hurt people and stuff. I bet everyone has their past and stories made up of tiny puzzles of sad, hurt, anger, agony, joy, happiness and regrets. There are many things i have done in the past that i do regret and how i wish i could just unwind every tangled up situation that leads to sadness and all those mental breakdowns. I don't regret for the happy times that i had and the many smiles and laughs, but what i do regret is the sadness and hurts that comes along the way. I really hope someone so genius perhaps God would give us human the power to turn back time. Sometimes i do feel sad for the things that happen to my friends or the people around me and i just wish this world will be filled with just happiness and everyone will just be happy living life. haha! I mean i do wish sometimes that i could just unplug my PMS plug and my anger and frustration plug so then i won't hurt anyone by my actions and words. I am truly SORRY!

Well, lets face it! This is REALITY! This is LIFE! And no matter how much you and i wish for all the above to happen, it won't! Disappointing huh?? This is life and no matter how much you wish for the only happiness and not the sorrows, life will always be life. Full of ups and downs. Life doesn't always go our way and we will just have to live with it hoping theres a blessing in disguise. *winks*

*wishing upon the stars tonite*

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