Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hey there!
Finally got my offer letter from IMU (International Medical University).
I will be commencing my 1st semester in July doing Pharmacy. Kinda nervous already thinking of studying. This time it is more challenging considering I'll be studying for 4 years straight? I better go stock up on pimple creams and stuff incase of breakouts. From July onwards, I'll be diving into books and notes more than ever before. It was a relief having to finally receive my offer letter. Phew!
Anyhow, I am kinda happy that I got accepted and kinda sad at the same time. I just read the dress code and gosh! No dyed hair (which I doubt anyone followed cause when I went to check out the campus, I saw students with very dyed hair alright), the length of your hair must be till the collar of your blouse if not it is to be tied up, knee length skirt, no 3-quarter pants (this is so UNACCEPTABLE! I mean why not?!),the list goes on and on. pfft. Sighs. I always tend to break all these dress code rules even in college. Oh wells, I shall be good this time then. I NEED TO GO SHOPPING. I have to buy so many formal clothings because I have none. Ok, wait I do but it doesn't fit the requirements. I am going to go so poor. I mean one outfit for 5 days a week for 4 years? I think I should make my closes friends and family members get me a piece of formal clothing like a skirt or pants for my birthday *hintshints* My semester only starts on the 12th of July which is before my birthday. Weehee!
Here enjoy some pictures of my package that was posted by pos laju. I am sorry I do not have much picture taken of myself or anything for that matter so i hope this will do.

*p.s : I am serious about the getting me one piece of formal clothing thingy for my birthday ^_^

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Went shopping last Thursday at Pavillion with Jan & Bo :)


Damage : RM 214

in less than 2 hours or so)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I turn off my phone, shoved it in my cupboard far from where I can reach because everytime I pick up your call, its where my heart is broken over and over again. What you say brings me to tears. Nothing can out do the misery you got me to suffer. I learn to take your anger & your frustration. Right now, I am so dissapointed with the choice I made. I should have let you go. You took advantage of me. My forgiveness and my whole being for that matter. You give me restless sleeps almost every night. I am sorry but my heart is broken.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hello there! As you can see, new layout. Well, I like new things so yes, that very much includes my blog. :) Well, the new year seems a little weird. It doesn't feel like a new year. Probably I need time to get into the "new year" and "It's 2010!" mood. It's sorta like living another part of the world where it is always 1 day before the day in Malaysia. Anyhow, I am just here to update you guys who actually reads my blog (people like CHAN BOON KEAT : Yes! I still have my bangs). I'll update on Christmas & New year as promised but till then, I'll shall just do quickies yah :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hey guys! I've updated on Youth Camp! :) Scroll down..

Friday, January 1, 2010

I think I've decided on writing out my thoughts about Christmas & New Year too. Yes, I know Christmas is a little outdated but hey, nothing is ever too late.


Christmas every year for me has always been BUSY.

There are always presentation practices.

Tiring but it is a whole lot of fun.

I've always celebrated christmas here,

at home where all my love ones are here to celebrate it with me.

Every other christmas excluding this year's has always been about receiving presents

but you know somehow I never got anyone a gift for christmas this year.

Ok well maybe one or two love ones :) Don't get me wrong,

I very much appreciate all the presents I got!

Things have changed for me this Christmas.

There are no more christmas shopping and a checklist of what presents to buy, no more spending time wrapping presents.

It probably seems that I've moved on to a whole new perspective about christmas.

Anyhow, I had an awesome christmas.

Well, it is the only time you can sing Christmas carols out so loud where no one will give you a weird look :)

I'll post up pictures soonest yah!


Now, New Year! Woosh! I had an awesome BBQ celebration yesterday night. Took loads of pixxies, I'll upload them soon too! New year, 2010. Oh wells, the coming year seems to be unpredictable. There is just this 'ughh' feeling about it. It feels as though I'll be fighting to survive the obstacles that face my way. With God's grace, I know I'll pull it through. 2009 seems to just passed by in a blink of an eye. I am NOW, 19. I feel so OLD. Let me just summarise 2009 :
*January : Enrolled in to college (South Australian Matriculation, Taylors University College), CNY
*February : Zombified, dead, lost alot of weight, fire works BBQ at Dharu's crib, broken blood vessel on my palm, SATURDAY my pink hippo :)
*March : Terribly missed someone, getting back on my feet, EXAMS!
*April : Assignments
* May : Family day, assignments due.
* June : Licensed to drive, a trip to Malacca, SUNDAY my spongebob :), presentations, dissected a goat's kidney, 1st semester exams, 1st semester holidays.
* July : My birthday, BUUBUU my huge teddy bear for my birthday from my classmates :), BBQ at Stanley's crib.
* August : Flying kite outing, Peekytoe (my car)
* September : Loads of outing with my girls
* October : Planned out my study timetable, got my bangs :), class BBQ.
* November : FINAL EXAMS, Christmas practices.
* December : Christmas, Haagen Daaz ( first time someone belanja me), results were out.
That pretty much sums up everything. I am looking forward to the coming year ahead! God bless the road and path you are about to take this coming year everyone.
A little sneak peek of what happened yesterday during new year's eve :

Youth Alive Camp

A group picture before we leave.

What you're about to see next is the pixxies taken during the telematch game. I think there is only one word I can use to describe this activity.. GROSS!

First up, we had to roll water baloons using only our head with egg and flour poured and scatterred all over the floor.

Next, we had to link our legs to our group members forming like a train or a caterpillar to collect cups.

Then, we had to build this water carriage to carry bowls of water across to a bucket.

Every morning, we have negaraku, devotion & breakfast.


Flying Fox & Obstacle course!!

Yes, that is me alright!



Living Out Loud!
Christina Chan