Today has been indeed a splendid day! =) Its MONDAY and with all the monday blues, i wasn't at my very best. but things indeed change later today. So the yesterday Kristen text me asking me whether i will follow Wai Nee back and she asked for a ride back to her grandma's house. So i told her that i can't because i have cheer practice till 3.30 and i will not be following her back. And she replied me back saying that if by coincidence i can follow wai nee back, text her.
Then... *ring ring*
Christina : Hello?
Wai Nee/ Alexis : Can i speak to stupid girl pls?
Christina : Owh sorry. She is not here.
Wai Nee / Alexis : Sheesh. Can i speak to Christina pls?
Christina : Yes?
Wai Nee / Alexis : You following me back tmrw anot?!
Christina : Owh no. I'm not. I got cheer practice till 3.30pm.
Wai Nee/ Alexis : You don't have practice tmrw lar. I just spoke to Carrie, she says its cancelled.
Christina : What?? She just told me there's practice.
Wai Nee / Alexis : You don't believe me, you call and ask her lar.
So i did call carrie up and indeed wai nee was right. its cancelled! so i texted Wai Nee saying that i'll be following back and also texted Kristen to tell her i can send her. So then in school.. was having my usual Monday blues. Then there goes the Bell! Time to leave school. At the bus stop while waiting for Wai Nee's mum, Wai Nee suddenly said that she has to blindfold Me and Kristen and i was like what for?! Then she said she wants to show us something. So fine. She blindfolded me first then Kristen. So i actually thought she was gonna sell us off as maids or something. Her mum was also quiet. Usually her mum will think this is nonsense. So yes. We finally arrive at Wai Nee's house. I banged the gate. Thx to Wai Nee's skill in leading the blind! then i sat down, still blindfolded and i was looking for Kristen and she was there beside me saying she's scared and stuff. Then a moment later i was lead to the kitchen, then i was un-blindfolded and i hear ppl scream HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I saw Doris and Melisa and also food for steamboat on the table. and then i turn to a wall, decorated with words saying, " HAPPY 17 BIRTHDAY CHRISTINA." I was Shocked!!!!! Very Shocked!! I almost cried! then we thank Wai Nee's mum for preparing this. Then i started hugging them all! Then we all sat down at the table. I didn't say a word for sometime and they all were like, 'whats wrong with you?' and i was like, ' i am just shocked. i'm like dumbstruck.' Then we ate and all. I went to change for tuition. Took pictures. Eat and eat and at the very last moment, they all sing the Happy birthday song and dharu appeared with muffins!!! with a candle!! i was really Shocked but happy cause i didn't see this coming because I thought Wai Nee's brother was coming back. And so i made my wish.. and blew the candle *its a secret* if i tell, it will not come true. i didn't wish for success, nor for my studies. I didn't wish for my own happiness nor for my future. I wish happiness and all the goodies life could ever possibly bring for people who have indeed made a trademark in my heart. I will not say who but its not my family or relatives. Then dad came, went for tuition. I was hugging my muffins in the car. I didn't want to touch it. it looked so nice and preetttyy and i know for sure it was full with thoughts and hard work.
I have never felt so happy. Especially when it comes to this time of the year. Every year was just nothing special but this year is indeed different and I'll remember and cherish this moment for a lifetime. =) This is my 1st ever surprise. (for real, i've never gotten any surprise)
Thank you Wai Nee for hosting this surprise and for buying and preparing the FOOD! Also for your wonderful piece of Art which says Happy 17 Birthday Christina. Thank you so very much. =) I was really touched by the fact that you spend the time and go through the trouble cutting it all. Thank you babes. Mwah!
Thanks Kristen for playing along the whole time. I actually believe you were blindfolded okay? ish! Thank you so much! =) Thank you for the present too. haha! Thank a bunch for playing a part in making this whole surprise a successful one. love ya loads! =)
Thank you Doris for being the joy of the day. I just love seeing you getting all so excited. It just makes me laugh and it brightens up my. =) Thank you so much getting me something special, something that will remind me of today. *hugs* thank you so much!
Thank you Melisa for being there today! wouldn't want to miss your company! I was shocked to see you there. thank you for skipping tuition just for me. ish! no no.. bad girl! No more next time! thank you. muax.
Thank you Dharushini Bai for the wonderful Muffins!!!!! OMG!!! thank you so much! *hugs* xoxoxo!!!
All in all, thank you so much for making my 17 birthday a memorable one. Thank you for giving me my first surprise ever and also taking the time to plan and to make today possible. I am sure this will be my best birthday ever! =)
Blow the candle!
Wai Nee's piece of art which says, Happy 17 Birthday Christina.
Dying in tuition
The APPLES of my EYE!
Friends like you guys are hard to find. I think you guys have seen the ugly side of me and the so very bitchy side of me and i always have this thought that, the ugly side of me will make friends around me hate me but i guess you guys have proven me wrong. Thank you so much for being ever so patience and kind to accept the way i am. Only you guys will make my mondays' and every other day as bright and as ever awesome.
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