Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh my, Oh my. I just can't resist not blogging. I have no idea why?! I feel rather incomplete. My itchy, itchy fingers just won't let me go! Haha! I know right now everyone I know is busy studying and not to miss, burning MidNight oil. I on the hand, am considered very relax! Oh Christina, what in the world is wrong with you? To be honest, I have no idea! .sigh. My soul is there crying out loud, worrying about exams but my mind just wants to shut off everytime I want to study. Yes, yes i know. It's all in you mind. I'll try to buck up! I will.. but don't get your hopes too high. =) In between classes we had a break and we were walking downstairs to grab a bit and to my surprise, I saw a RAINBOW! Then i said out loud, ' There is HOPE! ' I hope there is.. =)

As for now, I am going to shut my eyes and my brain as well, it's been a very long day. I had tuition and stuff. So Good Nights! I have another long day to go tomorrow.

With loads of hugs & kisses,

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