Monday, February 9, 2009

So last friday we had this gathering at Dharu's place. It was always to bid farewell to Amrith who is flying back to aussie soon. It was all good. The food was awesome as there were lamb and it felt like a high school reunion. I haven't seen some in ages and it great seeing them back again. I had a great time at least to keep stuff off my mind for that bit. We took loads of pixxies and we played with fireworks which was my very first time in a long long time since i last played with it. So yeah. Im somehow scared of it but it's just so pretty. It reminds me of something but that i will tell some other time.

So the cups were labelled and this is my cup which means, Manveen misses me (rosie) Don't ask why i am called rosie okays? =)

Darren, Sarah and Me. Look at my face, I was already so tired and sarah wanted to take me to another open house. evil her. Haha! =) Jk!

I have no idea what they were fighting about.

me and kristen. =)

Fireworks babeyh! =)

Myra =)

Sarah, me, myra, wai nee and mershel.

Phaik may looks so perky!

The one I am hugging is amrith. Mittiii..I'll miss you. =) It was great to have you back!

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