Monday, December 1, 2008

So this is what I found. I am a July baby and this is what is said about me. Tell me what you think.

Fun to be with. (well maybe. If you can stand my nonsense)
Secretive. (Quite. I hide my feelings really well. only when I am sad)
Difficult to fathom and to be understood. (yes.very true! I am complicated.)
Quiet unless excited or tensed. (err...i dunno)
Takes pride in oneself. (sometimes.honest confession)
Has reputation. (who doesn't?)
Easily consoled. (it depends on who)
Honest. (if you want me to)
Concerned about people's feelings. (yes. i am ok)
Tactful. =)
Friendly. =) =) =)
Approachable. (i dont bite!)
Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. ( very very true!)
Moody and easily hurt. (as true as u! haha!)
Witty and sparkly. (definitely witty but i do not glow)
Not revengeful. (*grins* i just might)
Forgiving but never forgets. ( depends on the issue at hand)
Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. ( i might get to random at times)
Guides others physically and mentally.(Physically? I don't know how.)
Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. (yupss!)
Caring and loving. (Of course. haha! Perasan.)
Treats others equally. (I dont treat a person according to class)
Strong sense of sympathy. (this is utterly true. i cry and feel guilty very easily)
Wary and sharp. (hmmm?)
Judges people through observations. (i have the gift of reading your face.don't mess!)
Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. (sometimes.when i am in the mood.)
Loves to be alone. (not really.)
Always broods about the past and the old friends. (i dunno)
Likes to be quiet. (when i am moody yes.)
Homely person. (i like to go out!!)
Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. (i do. if everyone is like that, there are not such things as friends)
Not aggressive unless provoked. (uh huh)
Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. ( sometimes. I just can't eat before 10am and after 10pm)
Loves to be loved. (who doesn't?)
Easily hurt but takes long to recover. (very true!!!)

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