Thursday, February 18, 2010

Once again Happy CNY to all :) So I'll just update what is "interesting" going on in my life. So first, I had a blood test. Gosh. It was such a trauma. I mean, I hadn't had a blood test before and this is the first. To add on, honestly, I am very afraid of needles & doctors.
So yes, they couldn't find a blood vessel on my arm even with the pressure bands on.
I told them I am an alien & the doctor looked at me weirdly ^-^
I was nervous ok so joke a bit eyhs.
Anyhow, finally they found one at the side of my arm.
What a weird place to take blood from.
After the test I felt a bit funny. Then I told my friend and my friend asked if i ate anything before this test. I was trying to recall and when I finally did, I realise I never ate anything.
There they couldn't find anything on my left arm so...

They switch to my right.

Thats the blood test. As for CNY, I only have pixxies. Too lazy to story :)

Next up... House hopping :)

I guess that's about it. Hospital vistation due to CNY is TOMORROW! :)

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